TrapShooting in Maine
 1941 - 1953

1941- Winslow, Maine
Dr. E. W. Paine----------192 x 200 sgl.
  Dr. E. W. Paine-----------87 x 100 dbls
   Rogers--------------------94 x 100 hdcp
    Dr. E. W. Paine----------374 x 400 HAA
     Olive Towle--------------34 x 50 Womens

1942-Trenton, Maine
A. B. Lewis--------------193 x 200 sgl
Waldo Seavey------------86 x 100 dbls
  A. B. Lewis---------------97 x 100 hdcp
   A. B. Lewis--------------373 x 400 HAA
       Cross----------------------20 x 50 Womens

No State Shoots due to the war

1947-Trenton, Maine
  Dr. E. W. Paine------------193 x 200 sgl
   Dr. E. W. Paine------------79 x 100 dbls
    "Hy" Gunning---------------97 x 100 hdcp
     Dr. E. W. Paine-----------362 x 400 HAA
        Hester Critchley------------41 x 50 Womens

1948-Monmouth, Maine
O. L. Veague-------------192 x 200 sgl
   Dr. E. W. Paine------------83 x 100 dbls
    George Buckman-----------92 x 100 hdcp
      George Buckman----------356 x 400 HAA
       Nadine Cleveland----------39 x 50 Womens

1949-Winslow, Maine
 George Buckman----------195 x 200 sgl
   C. L. Stinson----------------92 x 100 dbls
    A. L. Veague----------------98 x 100 hdcp
     C. L. Stinson---------------374 x 400 HAA
      Priscilla Jones--------------43 x 50 Womens

1950-Winslow, Maine
H. O. Dyer---------------193 x 200 sgl
   C. L. Stinson---------------90 x 100 dbls
     Arnold Veague--------------94 x 100 hdcp
     C. L. Stinson--------------368 x 400 HAA
      Hester Critchley-----------41 x 50 Womens

1951-Winslow, Maine
J.E. Cousins---------------191 x 200 sgl
  C.L. Stinson-----------------86 x 100 dbls
     C.L. Stinson------------------96 x 100 hdcp
     C.L. Stinson----------------370 x 400 HAA
         Hester Critchley--------------46 x 50 Womens

1952-Winslow, Maine
   C.L. Stinson-----------------190 x 200 sgl
     Dr.E.W. Paine----------------92 x 100 dbls
        H.O. Dyer---------------------94 x 100 hdcp
        C.L. Stinson-----------------373 x 400 HAA
          Hester Critchley--------------43 x 50 Womens

1953-Winslow, Maine
        C.L. Stinson Jr.------------------195 x 200 sgl
        C.L. Stinson---------------------81 x 100 dbls
          C.L. Stinson Jr.------------------98 x 100 hdcp
              C.L. Stinson Jr.-----------------374 x 400 HAA
           Hester Critchley---------------43 x 50 Womens

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