secure /tmp on servers
Check if /tmp is already secure. Some servers do not use a /tmp partition while others do.-----command-----
df -h |grep tmp
that displays nothing then go below to create a tmp partition. If you
do have a tmp partition you need to see if it mounted with noexec.
cat /etc/fstab |grep tmp
If there is a line that includes /tmp and noexec then it is already mounted as non-executable. If not follow the instructions below to create one without having to physically format your disk. Idealy you would make a real partition when the disk was originally formated, that being said I have not had any trouble create a /tmp partition using the following method.
Create a ~800Mb partition
cd /dev/; dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpMnt bs=1024 count=800000
Format the partion
mkfs.ext2 /dev/tmpMnt
When it asks about not being a block special device press Y
Make a backup of the old data
cp -Rp /tmp /tmp_backup
Mount the temp filesystem
mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /dev/tmpMnt /tmp
Set the permissions
chmod 0777 /tmp
Copy the old files back
cp -Rp /tmp_backup/* /tmp/
Once you do that go ahead and restart mysql and make sure it works ok. We do this because mysql places the mysql.sock in /tmp which neeeds to be moved. If not it migth have trouble starting. If it does you can add this line to the bottom of the /etc/fstab to automatically have it mounted:
Open the file in pico:
pico -w /etc/fstab
Now add this single line at the bottom:
/dev/tmpMnt /tmp ext2 loop,noexec,nosuid,rw 0 0
While we are at it we are going to secure /dev/shm. Look for the mount line for /dev/shm and change it to the following:
none /dev/shm tmpfs noexec,nosuid 0 0
Umount and remount /dev/shm for the changes to take effect.
umount /dev/shm
mount /dev/shm
Delete the old /var/tmp and create a link to /tmp
rm -rf /var/tmp/
ln -s /tmp/ /var/
If everything still works fine, delete the /tmp_backup directory.
rm -rf /tmp_backup
/tmp, /var/tmp, and /dev/shm are now mounted in a way that no program
can be directly run from these directories.
Category: linux - Visits: 763
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Go to Services > VPN set-up page on DD-WRT routerCategory: networking - Visits: 1111
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Connect to a remote machine via a SSH-secured connection and type on it's console to administer it.
This is very simple:
ssh user@remoteaddress
Move data between machines in an encrypted and secure way. It basicly works like the standard "cp" command, but it has got a different name: "scp"
scp /home/me/a_file.txt user@box_B:/home/me/
SSH offers the "-D" option to provide a SOCKS proxy on the local machine:
ssh -D 1234 user@box_B
You'll have a proxy listening on localhost port 1234. Now you just have to setup your webbrowser to use the "SOCKS proxy" on localhost port 1234 and all your surfing will go through Box B. You can check if it worked by visiting a website that shows your IP.
Category: ssh - Visits: 2437
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To find IP addresses accessing your computer:Category: netstat - Visits: 2876
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