Connect to a remote machine via a SSH-secured connection and type on it's console to administer it.
This is very simple:
ssh user@remoteaddress
Move data between machines in an encrypted and secure way. It basicly works like the standard "cp" command, but it has got a different name: "scp"
scp /home/me/a_file.txt user@box_B:/home/me/
SSH offers the "-D" option to provide a SOCKS proxy on the local machine:
ssh -D 1234 user@box_B
You'll have a proxy listening on localhost port 1234. Now you just have to setup your webbrowser to use the "SOCKS proxy" on localhost port 1234 and all your surfing will go through Box B. You can check if it worked by visiting a website that shows your IP.
Category: ssh - Visits: 2438
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