Download 'openssl' and learn to use it.Contents of message.txt:
This is a very secret message.
[encrypt the message]
openssl enc -a -aes-256-cbc -in message.txt -out encryptedMessage.txt
[decrypt the message]
openssl enc -a -d -aes-256-cbc -in encryptedMessage.txt -out message.txt
- Use long complicated passwords
- Never store your password on your computer
- if you are extra paranoid copy the message to a memory stick and encrypt/decrypt on another computer not on the internet, ever.
OR....Use gnupg (gpg)
This is a very secret message
[encrypt the message]
# gpg -c message.txt
®HN®ì`ÒX1ðJ¸ÌQKHÅ;üXV~;ÖHTª4 :á7WSÚÌçð`á
ÉÄÕd¢6ÄQ0: 5EGuç_Fzwãu³½ó^¼!{=M,#À
ÉÄÕd¢6ÄQ0: 5EGuç_Fzwãu³½ó^¼!{=M,#À
[decrypt message.txt.gpg]
# gpg -o message.txt -d message.txt.gpg
The decrypted message will appear in the stdout unless you use the -o (output) option, as above.
Category: security - Visits: 543
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